Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Gender Swap Assignment

This was the original photo I took from home of my father when he was younger
This was the original once i cropped it and made it grayscale.
This was the original taken of me.
This is the final creepy product. Me and my father combined.

Monday, October 4, 2010


This is just an extra one I threw in because I liked it, It is me and my father unknowing that we were getting our picture taken, but doing the exact same thing.  I can't take credit as setting this up.

This is my roomate, I think it is a perfect way to portray her because unfortunately this is exactly as I found her sitting at her desk.
This is my self portrait.  It is just a picture taken while i was playing with my puppy.  I think it represents myself because its just me relaxing at my parents house with my dog who is a pretty pig part of my life.  I also liked this one because I felt that the ones where i was looking directly at the camera were just awkward.
This is a portrait of a stranger.  He was playing the sax outside of the consol energy center for money, he was actually pretty rude and I even had to pay just to take this picture.